Tuesday, July 31, 2012

August Newsletter

Welcome to
Relief Society
A little Relief Society History

Elder Dallin H. Oaks quoted several church leaders from our history during a marvelous talk about Relief Society1. Here are some individual quotes from Elder Oaks' talk, starting with his own words:

"The Relief Society has great significance for every member of the Church. All of us have been blessed through the example andservice of its members.
"I am the beneficiary of at least four different generations of Relief Society service: my grandmother, my mother, my wife, and our daughters...."
"From its beginning, the Relief Society has led out in charitable work. At the first meeting, President Emma Smith said, 'Each member should be ambitious to do good.'2   
The minutes of

 those initial meetings are filled with accounts of how the sisters obtained work opportunities for
 the needy, took in the homeless, and made donations to help those in need of food, shelter,
and schooling."
"In the initial meetings of Relief Society, the Prophet Joseph Smith taught that the society 'is not only to relieve the poor, but to save souls.'3"
Lesson Schedule:
7- Relief Society Presidency
12- Advancing the Work of the Lord p.57
19- Offer Up Thy Sacraments Upon My Holy Day p.169
26- “The Merciful Obtain Mercy” President Uchtdorf

Potluck will be on August 12 – Please bring your favorite dish to share with everyone and enjoy the fellowship of our Brothers and Sisters!

Upcoming Events:
 11- Youth Temple Trip
11- Frugality Fair 10:00-12:00
12- Pot Luck
25- Visiting Teaching Brunch 10:30-12:30
"The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans said that those who pass judgment on others are 'inexcusable.' The moment we judge someone else, he explained, we condemn ourselves, for none is without sin. Refusing to forgive is a grievous sin—one the Savior warned against. Jesus’s own disciples had 'sought occasion against [each other] and forgave not one another in their hearts; and for this evil they were afflicted and sorely chastened."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Merciful Obtain Mercy", General Conference, Apr. 2012


1 Linda Ross                       14 Breanna Bunker               27 Angela Orange
2 Barbara Coats                  17 Terry Carter                      28 Julie Pedigo
2 Carolyn Skerlong             19 Tonita Watson                 30 Dina Dixon
4 Linda Nelson                    19 JoAnn Greely                   
5 Kristy Stephen                 21 Lashandra Goodjoint
8 Ana Prudencio                 25 Pamela Hires
11 Karen Downs                 26 Rachel Day
14 Lori Coenen                   27 Samantha Montgomery

Please make every attempt to do your Visiting Teaching.  It will bless you and the Sisters on your route!

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